Got Beef? Then Make Nam Tok!

This delicious and simple dish is bursting with s many flavors. Fresh mint leaves mixed with some lime juice lend to the dishes spicy kick. I suggest using a good lean steak that can get you the rare meat without being overly chewy. You may not want to use all of the ingredients and that’s…

California Here I come

If being you means leaving others in their comfort zone then you need to get going…

A little fusion going on here…

#budomfoodforthought It feels like I am forever in between home or couch surfing at my children places. I feel I never have the time to grocery shop properly anymore. WhenI do I get the chance to shop I try to buy products that my husband can make. On one of my days off from work…

Food Bites

During this time I have had more time home than I usually do. Which meant that I had no reason to say I couldn’t cook a great hot dish more often. Lately I have been eating too much fast food or on-the-go, so the chance to actually sit down to eat my meal was looking…

It’s Chile Verde in Here

I bought some tomatillos because I have heard they make a good sauce. Except for one thing, I know nothing about how to cook these pretty little vegetables? Fruit? Either way, I wanted to make something different for dinner. I wanted to use my pork steaks and the tomatillos, but I needed a good recipe…

Oatmilk the New Alternative?

Good morning food lovers! The other day I was shopping for groceries and notice that the store was featuring oatmilk in the dairy section. I had heard a lot about coffee shops including oatmilk as a choice for their beverages and I wanted to taste what all the fuss was about. The store had a…

Food Cures When a Cold Attacks

Food has always been central in my life living in an Asian family. With my mom being from Thailand and my father from the Philippines I always felt our family had the best of both worlds when it came to Asian cuisine. In Asian culture, food is looked at as more than sustenance but also…

Supernatural or Madness: The Living and the Dead.

I found this show on the PBS channel and my love of the supernatural would not let me pass up the chance to see how supernatural the storyline might be. Let me clarify, while I am intrigued by the paranormal, I don’t enjoy cheap parlor tricks or weird diversion which does not help in creating…

Riding Out Hurricane Harvey

The day is so sunny and bright it’s is hard to imagine that this storm left thousands homeless and at least 70 people dead in its wake. I didn’t cry at all during the storm nor when I saw the destruction of my home and belongings, only when my boss came to talk to me about the floods did I cry.

Houston Adventures: A “Wicked” Time at the Theatre

When I saw original Wizard of Oz on television as a youngster, I always wondered if there was some back story for the witches. I have always been fascinated by witches and their magical lives. So, when Maguire’s stories hit bookshelves I devoured them like manna from heaven.

Houston Adventures: Friday 13th equals Cheap Tattoos

Back in my adolescent years, I grew up watching the slasher flick Friday the 13th. Halloween back in my day would be bombarded with bloody hockey masks on young boys pretending to be Jason, the insane killer in the movie. My grandmother, a devout, and practicing Catholic, even had advice on how to steer your day “curse…

Houston Adventures: It all started when…

    It has been too long since my fingers have told the stories of my recent #adventures. Life can have many distractions, and time being a fickle creature can slip away before we even realize it. In my last travel series The Journey Home, I had found myself in the middle of Texas. The part…